Here I go...

One Adventure After Another!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

What's Better Than This?

This is Emma.

She is happy!

Why? Because instead of sitting in front of the television last night, her mom, her grandpa and I all sat around the table and played Apples to Apples with her!  It was so much fun, and the enjoyment I got out of watching her laugh slapped me right into the Vortex of Joy!

We laughed, pointed fingers, cheered and clapped, and really had a wonderful time.
I hope to do more of that - connecting - making memories.
I look forward to having her with me all summer.

Things in my life are getting better these days.

Joe built out a safe house
in my son's attached garage,
in the hopes I would be able to sleep there.
It would be a fragrance-free place where I could control
the substances that make me sick.

I saw my specialist Thursday and he called last night with my bloodwork results.
Kidneys are a bit stressed so I need to drink more water.
The major thing was my Vitamin D levels, which should be around 50, but are at a low 12.
He prescribed high doses of D-3 until the levels come up.

With MCS, my body has difficulty absorbing and using Vitamin D from food.
The best source, according to my doctor, is the sun, and Portland, Oregon doesn't have much of that! In fact, it's now June 1 and raining cats and dogs outside.

He said that this explains why I feel so much better on those 3 month treks. 
I'm outdoors for 6 to 8 hours a day, 
absorbing natural sunlight and getting plenty of Vitamin D. 
Then once I stop trekking, 
my levels slowly divebomb and I begin feeling bad again. 
This made a lot of sense. 
Now if I could just convince my attorney 
and the folks at Disability 
that I NEED those treks for my health. 
I'm chomping at the bit to go walking now, 
but there's really no place in the USA that I feel as safe, 
and no place as well-supported as the Camino Santiago. 
So I'm looking into a walking club here, 
and will try to get some walking in 
as soon as the rain lifts.

The new futon I bought made me sick, sick, SICK!
Why, oh WHY do people use Febreze?
If they knew what it was doing to them...
Anyway, I covered the futon with a plastic cover, 
but that was no better, 
so I listed it on craigslist and it sold with a day. 

Joe helped me hang my Clark Hammock 
and now I'm sleeping like a baby. 
It's the most comfortable thing I've ever slept in. 
There are no pressure points, 
once it is correctly adjusted, 
and I have gotten over 8 hours each night since hanging it, 
which is amazing for me!
I also found a new potty chair at Goodwill, 
which makes nighttime potty breaks more convenient!

To top off the week,
Joe put a new breaker in for this Little House, 
so now I can make coffee and have heat at the same time
without tripping the electricity!

Life is good!

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